System Of Social Stratification

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Define "social stratification". Identify and discuss the three systems of social stratification that were addressed in the textbook. Social stratification is a system in which a society ranks categories of in individuals and divides them into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige. The three systems of social stratification include slavery, caste, and class. First, the most closed system is slavery, defined as the ownership of people. In slavery, every slave had an owner to whom they were subjected to. Slavery had an economic basis because the most common causes of slavery were to pay off debt, punishment for crime and defeat in war. Slavery was not necessarily passed to one's next generation because it could be permanent …show more content…

The most heinous scene of slavery was seen in North American slavery because it gradually grew by a racist ideology. The second system of social stratification is caste. In this system, people are born into unequal groups based on their parents' status and remain in these groups for the rest of their lives. In a caste system the accompanying rights and obligations are ascribed on the basis of birth into a particular group in the society. This system is often found in India, for instance the Sudra Caste. It’s unfortunate that no matter what an individual accomplishes in their life, because of them being born in a low status group, their status will never change. The third system of social stratification is known as class. This system is primarily based on material possessions where an individual is born into a social ranking but allows for social mobility, when an individual can move up or down from it unlike the systems of slavery and caste systems. A person's own effort, knowledge, and skills or lack of …show more content…

You can witness individual discrimination when you see one person picking out a favorite and leaving another person behind or bullying them because they aren’t as educated or as pretty. Another example is when you hear stores that kids are playing sports in school and the person who picks the team is a certain race and he picks everyone who is his own race and leaves the one who isn’t out of his team. Another example of individual discrimination is the case of men practicing sexism in the workplace by not considering women for certain positions that have traditionally been held by men. I actually witnessed this first hand when I worked at a dental office and I watched a male dentist, make a woman dentist feel inadequate by explaining how you can clearly see what crowns she has done because “woman” dentist don’t work like men do. It’s not right and I can only hope the world continues to let woman strive in the work place. I truly believe gender equality is growing but not fast enough. Institutional discrimination is witness you are being discriminated by a group of people or institution. For example, there is a pizza

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