Syrian Children Should Pay For Their Education

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“We first met in Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp. There, Syrian girls as young as 12 and 13 are being married off to older men.” says Malala Yousafzai and Muzoon Almellehan. Around 2 million Syrian children have do not have an education because of all the wars and world conflicts. The child marriage rates have also doubled in the past 3 years. About $1.4 billion are needed to help all the Syrian children get an education. Some surrounding countries are helping out, however rich countries should pay for their education.Rich countries should pay for the education of the Syrian children who don’t have one, because they have the resources, it all comes down to a choice. Without an education these children will be a lost generation, and all their …show more content…

The child marriage rate with refugee girls has more than doubled with going from 12% to 26%. Many children are without an education and rich countries should pay for their education.“Without the provision of education, parents see no choice but to leave the region and embark on what have become for so many “death voyages” to Europe” states the article “Without education Syria’s children will be a lost generation” by Gordon Brown. That is a ridiculous amount of children working, It is not just working it's the part that they're working in unsafe and illegal workplaces. Perhaps working could be a solution to help better things but not in unsafe and illegal conditions. Parents don't see another way to help their children than to leave their home country and go on that life risking voyage to Europe. If there was a good, safe and legal working place for the children to work it could be a solution instead of taking those life risking voyages to Europe. If there is no education for these Syrian refugees then how will they get a future, how will they make a living to give future generations a life. It would be a lost …show more content…

The girls are being forced to marry old guys as young as the age of 12, this is making the girls lose hope for themselves and all their dreams for their future. They shouldn't have to marry these men, they should be able to continue their life and have a better future.“Before the war began, things were very different for our sisters in Syria. All children could attend 12 years of school for free, and the country had a 90 percent literacy rate.” says Malala Yousafzai in the Newsela article. “Before the war began” It should keep being like that because it makes humanitarian sense to give children the opportunity to have an education. It is being taken away because of world conflicts. The Syrian refugees shouldn't have to suffer because of world leaders choices. They could go to school for 12 years for free, now they can't even experience one day in a classroom. Before the war began many things were different no one was being killed and the people didn't have to live with fear everyday, the country had a 90%

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