Persuasive Essay On Syrian War Refugees

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With the collapse of the Syrian government and an outbreak of violence, there are 13.5 million people in Syria that are currently in need of humanitarian assistance . The hot topic in the United States is whether or not we should be accepting these war refugees into our country. The main concern is the fear that members of terrorist groups in Syria will also be making their way into the United States. The Council on American-Islamic Relations stated that, "Defeating ISIS involves projecting American ideals to the world. Governors who reject those fleeing war and persecution abandon our ideals and instead project our fears to the world.” The United States has accepted refugees ever since legislation passed the “Displaced Persons Act of 1948”. This allowed admission to the United States for hundreds of thousands of war refugees during the time of World War II . Although some argue that allowing Syrian war refugees into the United States would compromise national security, during World War II the United States proved that accepting German and Italian war refugees was not detrimental to the country. We need to learn from our past history and continue to be the humanitarian country that we have been for the last 239 years. To fully understand the connection to World War II, we must first understand the Syrian war. …show more content…

We need to take what we have learned from World War II and apply it to our current situation. There are 4.3 million Syrian refugees and 6.6 million Syrians that are displaced within Syria. This is the greatest amount of refugees the world has seen since World War II. Alexander Betts, Director of Oxford’s refugee center, said “nations have locked down their borders, crammed refugees into transit camps, and said they won't take in Muslims, creating alarming echoes of the past for WWII historians and Holocaust

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