Synthesis Essay: The Importance Of Diversity In Public Schools

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Amidst the excitement of Admitted Students Day, there is always one word repeated by student representatives, faculty, and administration: diversity. Brandeis, as a university, recognizes diversity in academia as a linchpin for intellectual growth and stimulation, but that recognition does not always translate into a climate that is safe for students of color. There exists an unwillingness to challenge the prevalence of subtle racism on campus.

As two student leaders of color, we have dealt with the repercussions of an environment that treats diversity simply as a requirement, and not in conjunction with the accountability of actually maintaining safe spaces. Students at our university are in accordance with the notion that diversity is one of the university’s crucial values, but during our four years at this university, we, and other students of color, have been subjected to casual racism. Oftentimes, it’s clear that these remarks do not stem from a place of malice, but rather ignorance. Yet, this does not excuse the emotional violence or diminish the effects of these words on the …show more content…

These comments are made to invalidate our presences by assuming we do not deserve to be here. We hear racist slurs like the N-word and appropriation of AAVE terms like “ratchet” and “ghetto” used casually and without a real understanding of where these words come from. This is also made clear visually: people of color are made invisible or erased from faculty, administration, and student leader positions outside of the Intercultural Center, which is isolated in a corner at the end of campus. It seems as though the only place we can see people who look like us is in the facilities and dining hall staff. Students of color are also complacent in creating unsafe spaces for their peers, whether they say racist statements themselves or allow them to be said without

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