Symbolism In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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All the names in “young goodman brown” mean something.

The significance of the name young goodman brown is that young represents innocence. He is innocent at the beginning of the story, when he is with faith in the daylight, but once he enters the dark forest and meets the devil, his innocence is gone. Innocence is just a coverup for his real evil motives. “Goodman” represents that he is well off because goodman was like a term of respect such as today’s Mr. or Mrs.. “Brown” represents how inside he is really faulty and evil, yet covers it up so people think he is a godly person. Goodman Brown’s character throughout the story represents the fall of man through the view of an anti-transcendentalist. The story starts with him being innocent, young, and faith filled. During his encounter with the devil, he is told that his ancestors were acquainted with him too, and that his teacher, Goody Cloyse, is a witch and truly evil inside. These things cause him to doubt himself, and have a weaker faith. He still has a strand of faith however, because he thinks that his wife, Faith, is still good. When he gets to …show more content…

The significance of Goody Cloyse is that goody is the opposite of what she actually is and like goodman brown, she is evil on the inside and pious on the outside. She was his teacher as a child, yet now she says she is a witch.

The other man he walks with is significant because he is the devil. He is trying to take is innocence away. He says things to try and convince him and confuse him such as, “The deacons of many a church have drunk the communion wine with me” (CITE). This tells Goodman Brown that many people in his life that he believed to be good, aren’t at all, which causes him to lose trust in everyone he knows. Hawthorn says, “they might have been taken for father and

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