Symbolism In Avatar

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Upon watching the movie Avatar it is very easy to be taken a back by all the beautiful graphics, amazing innovation, and below the surface the power to portray a message that is not always clear upon seeing the movie once. James Cameron faced the challenge of trying to change the different views that individuals had on the preservation of nature, and the protection of the environment. It just so happens to be that when this movie was brought to fruition the US was facing the strongest wave of protest for the preservation of nature. In continuation, the movie had many symbolic representations of earth even within it pictures, the planet Pandora for example has a very strong resemblance to earth in a sense, and even the un breathable atmosphere it posses is a symbol for what would happen to our own planet if wild life, and plants is whipped out, he brought about the questions how would …show more content…

Through the use of Avatar, Cameron had the opportunity to show that the environment needed to be protected before it was completely destroyed. And lastly pathos, the audience was definitely won over by the sconce in which the Na`VI peoples tree of life was destroyed, further portraying the effects that humans can have on an ecosystem and how a single person can make a difference and bring awareness to a global cause. Also, The movie contains many themes such as themes of imperialism, environmentalism, consumerism, anti-capitalism, etc. The one I would definitely have to agree with the most is environmentalism. As humans we have a long history of claiming things that are not necessarily ours for the taking. This mostly includes the destruction of forests in order to obtain vital things to human life. Now that being said, it doesn’t provide a reason for the destruction of nature and that is exactly what Cameron tries to implant in his audience’s

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