Swimming Pool Pump Tripping

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The pump is a vital component to your swimming pool. It keeps water flowing through the filter so that your pool isn't littered with leaves or other debris. It also maintains a current, reducing your risk of nuisance algae. There are several reasons why your pump may randomly shut off, which is known as "pump tripping." Your pump may be operating at the wrong voltage, overheating or simply failing to compete with your neighborhood's electrical needs. Voltage Issues One of the most common causes of a pump tripping is incorrect voltages. The pump requires a motor to function, and that motor requires electricity. Most pool pump motors are designed to run off 115 or 230 volts. If your pool was recently installed or your pump recently replaced, it may be wired incorrectly. This scenario is the most likely if your pump consistently trips just 5 to 10 seconds after turning on. A bad capacitor may also be to blame. Capacitors regulate the amount of electricity the pump receives and can go bad with age. Loose wires can also reduce the amount of voltage into the pump. Have a licensed electrician inspect the pump immediately, especially if you are unfamiliar with pool pump wiring. …show more content…

If the impeller gets stuck, the pump motor will hum and then may shut itself off. Any sort of debris can get wedged in the impeller and hinder its movement, including rocks, leaves, dead animals or articles of clothing. Freeing the impeller requires taking the pump apart. If you're not comfortable doing this, call in a professional. Improper

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