Sweetheart Sparknotes

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The realistic fiction book that I read for my book talk is Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. This book takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah, where the main character, Jenna Harris, lives. The main conflict in this book was an old friend, Cameron, of Jenna’s, whom thought was dead came back to her city. Jenna was never the popular girl when she was younger and Cameron got her through it. Then suddenly one day he didn’t come back to school and everyone said he was dead. He left because his father was abusive and they were finding shelter; now his family lives with the father again and now he has to go back to get them. Jenna eventually moved in third grade and no one knows what her past was. She is now popular and well liked with her senior class. When Cameron tries to get his brothers back from his father, Jenna tries to make Cameron stay because she missed so much of his life. She must attempt to fight for him to stay. One key passage in the story is when Jenna was in third grade and she was visiting Cameron. The author used a flashback to …show more content…

Throughout the book Sara Zarr made you wonder what if this would happen in my life and what would I do. I like how this book was very easy because the different parts were not all over the place. She made it very deep, but not confusing to read. I didn’t like how she didn’t really elaborate on too many details that could have been elaborated on. Many parts of the story could have used some deeper thinking. I did really like though this book had many tragedies, they still tied really well into the story and made it even better. They weren’t just random parts in the story. I did not like however, Zarr made the main character a little bratty and she acted like she was entitled. In one part of the story, she was being so mean and rude. Also, the “descript” language in this book really kept the reader intrigued. For those reasons, I gave it a 7 out of 10

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