Sweatshop Thesis

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Introduction (possible ideas) The sweatshops are commonly defined as the shop employing workers at minimal wage, for long hours, and under hazardous conditions (Dictionary, n.d.). Minimum legal age to work in Ontario is 14 to 18 while most of developing country worker start to work under age 10 when they definitely need to parents care and good environment (Government of Ontario, 2017) Thesis Statement Sweatshops can be negative experience for laborers for following three reasons which are environment, safety and health, and economic development. Body Main supporting point 1. Regarding the environment of sweatshops, most of developing country workers are involved with poor environment. Examples/Details/Explanations: a. Children who work at …show more content…

Most of children who work at farm usually drop out of school for financial reasons (Harkin, T., & Engel, E, 2005). Main supporting point 2. As far as safety and health are concerned, sweatshop works are exposed to safety and health danger. Examples/Details/Explanations: a. Cacao bean worker have to handle a banana knife which is usually taller than their height even though young adult man cannot easily handle without proper training (Lamb, C, 2001). b. Angola gold mine is increasing sex trade, it is result in spread of HIV. c. Miners can get injured and died because of mine collapses or chemical accidents in Angola (Cahill, P, 2009) Main supporting point 3. As far as economic development is concerned, even though, developing countries have been grow up their economic, they do not have budget for nation. Examples/Details/Explanations: a. Angola government earn CAD 205 million of revenues per year in diamond mine. However, they do not have enough money for public school, water supply system and health clinics. b. Zimbabwe is one of the biggest diamond producers in the world, but they only spend diamond interest on military loyal and political power c. Even company pay for minimum wage of money to sweatshops employer, worker cannot affable for living cost (Food Empowerment Project,

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