Surgical Weight Loss Research Paper

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Surgical weight loss is very common in today’s world. Many people who have diabetes turn to surgical weight lose to gain their life back. When you search surgical weight loss on the internet, it comes up with many ways that it has been done throughout the century. Many people find that it is much easier to get the surgery to lose the weight rather than using diets and exercise. Surgical weight loss should be monitored more closely allowing only the people who have severe diabetes or life threatening condition proceed with surgical weight loss.
There are two types of bariatric surgery commonly used, the “Gastric bypass accounts for about 80 percent of weight loss surgeries in the U.S. It involves a permanent rerouting of the digestive system …show more content…

There is a risk of dying during or after surgery for patients who are 65 or older, being twice as high as younger patients. A report published from the issue of the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery presented some in detail, “of 219 bypass patients, 7 percent had major complications, including three gastric leaks, one patient died, three hemorrhages and five obstructions. Among 154 gastric-band patients, 6 percent had major complications, including a fatal injury during insertions of the laparoscopic instruments, three stomach perforations, and a lung blood clot” (“Consumers Union”). There are also nutritional concerns that go along with having bariatric surgery. “It really took me a year and a half before I was able to eat steak or chicken” stated Carmen Morfe, who was 45 at the time when she underwent gastric band surgery. For patients who had bypass surgery they had to take vitamins and minerals or eat high protein rich foods such as eggs, cottage cheese or powdered shakes because they could no longer absorb the nutrients they needed. If they did not take the vitamins and minerals or did not consume enough in foods they could contract different kinds of diseases such as beriberi and pellagra which are usually seen in …show more content…

When people try to lose weight using diet and exercise they tend to put more emphasis on the exercise part more than the diet part, therefore causing them to gain more weight or not move the scale at all. Many people tend to look for the easy way out, moving towards not having to do the work of calculating how much they can and can't eat or how many hours they have to go to the gym. When getting bariatric surgery the work is done for the patient. All they have to do is follow the strict regimen for daily living. When using diet and exercise you do not have to worry about making sure your body is absorbing the nutrients it needs nor do you have to worry about your body failing on you because it couldn't handle the surgery. Understanding that there are people who cannot exercise there are also much healthier ways to losing weight. Dieting has been proven to be a great way to lose weight over a long period of time. But combining exercise could help a person reach their goals. A meta-analysis published in 2014 stated, “In the long term,behavioral weight management programs that combine exercise with diet can lead to more sustained weight loss (three to four pounds) over a year than diet alone”

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