Superstore Satire

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Today I was watching flipping through the channels on TV and came across a show on NBC called ‘Superstore’. I had never seen the show before, but it I decided to watch it. The show takes place in a big box retail store and follows the lives of the employees who work at the store. There was a character on the show named ‘Garrett’. Garrett was physically disabled and not able to walk; he was in a wheelchair, yet was able to work just like all of the other employees. The employees did not treat him differently because of his physical disability and he was able to adapt to the needs of his job just like any other employee would need to. I was surprised that there was a character in a wheel chair on the show- just like me. And I felt very …show more content…

In this segment, 7 college-aged women sat down together to talk about their reactions towards the #MeToo movement and dating/relationships. Being an “almost-college-aged” man, this segment really made me stop and think. There are so many stories going on in the news right now about young women sharing the experiences of sexual assault and is really devastating to hear how many women have been disrespected in this way. However, as a young man, I feel that there is not enough light shown on the “good guys”. Although we continuously hear about the bad situations, and sexual assaults experienced by these women- there are never stories about men who treat women with respect or men who do honor boundaries in relationships. Stories like these often make me feel misrepresented; I feel like there extra pressure or a negative shadow on men of my age because of these stories coming forth in the news. But I would never to that- I was raised to treat women with respect and I wish that, among the horrid stories of sexual assault, there were more stories showing how men have respected women and relationships

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