Sexual Assault In America

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Sexual assault is the most underreported wrongdoing in America. One out of each six women in America has been victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Rape is a vicious and intolerable wrongdoing that effects the lives of victims contrarily, influencing them in a passionate, mental, and physical way. Rape against our more youthful ladies is turning into a serious concern. More youthful individuals are at the most noteworthy danger of sexual brutality; ages 12-34 are the most elevated hazard a very long time for assault and rape. Young ladies are excessively casualties of abusive behavior at home and assault. Nobody ever requests to be assaulted, or mishandled, or bothered, accordingly rape is dependably the blame of the attacker, …show more content…

Many excuses are made to defend rapists, abusers, or harassers, such as “she was dressed provocatively” or “she was under the influence and came onto me.” Most young girls think that being harassed, raped, or abused is something that everyone goes through. Heather Hlavka, a sociologist at Marquette University, analyzed interviews with 100 girls between ages three and seventeen who may have experienced sexual assault. The study identifies several common reasons why girls do not report their assaults, including shame, fear of retribution and distrust of authority. The most alarming conclusion, however, is that young women “regard sexual violence against them as normal.” Moreover, the girls interviewed believed that men “can’t help it” and perceived “everyday harassment and abuse as normal male behavior.” (Duberman 2014). Hlavka writes, “Objectification, sexual harassment, and abuse appear to be part of the fabric of young women’s lives. They had few available safe spaces; girls were harassed and assaulted at parties, in school, on the playground, on buses, and in cars. Overwhelmingly described as ‘normal stuff’ that ‘guys do’ or tolerating what ‘just happens’, young women’s sexual desire and consent are largely absent. Sex was understood as something done to them.” Actions like these drive young women to believe that men ‘can’t help it’. Younger women are taught …show more content…

These tactics are are examples of rape culture. Rape culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Nowadays, we accept the degradation of women and uncontrollable hyper-sexuality of men as the norm. Sexual assault is never the victim’s fault. This idea that women that get raped somehow asked for it: by their dress, by their behavior, by the work that they do—like prostitution, or pornography, (or babysitting!!!), those ideas are wrong. Let me be clear, they are wrong because morally it’s wrong, not to mention ludicrous, to blame a victim of a crime for the crime that someone else committed against them. BUT moreover, those ideas are wrong, meaning that those ideas don’t reflect reality; they don’t accurately describe why rapists rape women (Strong 2012). Healing from sexual assault is already difficult, but it is even more difficult when you have people blaming you for being assaulted. It has become apparent that experiencing a rape is something society refuses to

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