Summer Of The Monkeys Sparknotes

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Summer of the Monkeys is a book that is set at the end of the nineteen hundreds.The settling is at Oklahoma Cherokee Ozarks.The protagonist of the Summer of the Monkeys is Jay Berry Lee a fourteen year old.Jay Berry has a sister(Daisy) that has a crippled leg, and a brown hound dog (Rowdy).In the Summer of the Monkeys Jay Berry tries all kinds of plans to catch some monkeys down the river bottom of his house with the help from his grandpa. The Lee family gets a letter from Grandpa.The Letter was about how grandpa bought a farm in Oklahoma, and he wanted to give it to Mamma and Papa(Jay Berrys Parents).Mamma and Papa moves from Missouri to Oklahoma.Jay Berry and Daisy were born in Oklahoma.Daisy was born with a crippled leg.One day Sally Golden got free from her cage.Jay Berry and Rowdy went looking for her down the river bottoms right after their breakfast.Jay Berry and Rowdy found Sally,but Jay Berry wanted to look around the river bottoms.Jay Berry spots a monkey. Jay Berry tell his family even his grandparents that he saw a monkey.Grandpa and Jay Berry make plans to catch the monkey.Grandpa assumes that there are more monkeys since monkeys are always in a group. The plans fail because of Jimbo a chimpanzee.Jay Berry goes back to grandpa for more plans.One day grandpa told Jay Berry to make peace with Jimbo.Jay Berry tries his best to

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