Summer Nursing Personal Statement

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The Carson Newman Summer Nursing Camp perfectly aligns with my strong suits and interests making it the ideal opportunity for me to pursue my passion in nursing. At an early age, I fell in love with serving those in need. As my life progressed, I came to discover that I wished to help others through a career of nursing. Needless to say, I find this summer camp incredibly valuable to my future and will fully and joyfully commit to all that it has to offer. Within the early stages of my life, I discovered the joy of serving those in pain by walking with my younger brother through his childhood illness. Six years ago, my brother Caden was diagnosed with alopecia arietta, an autoimmune disorder which, in my brother’s case, resulted in extreme hair loss and a tragically weak immune system. My family and I had to immediately adapt to his urgent medical needs. Because of the weakening of Caden’s immune …show more content…

His body failed to protect him from illness and infection. This resulted in my family and I learning how to protect for him. My family and I were constantly sanitizing our house and supplying Caden with the best medications and treatments. While seeing my little brother suffer through his illness was excruciating, it allowed me to realize my love for serving those in need, particularly those in medical need. Not only did I learn the seriousness of addressing my brother’s medical needs but I learned the importance of caring for him emotionally. My brother’s condition caused him to lose all of his hair and appear incredibly frail. Seeing how he was a nine-year-old boy and still in school, he was constantly faced with bullying and criticism for his baldness. It was essential for me to encompass my little brother in

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