Social Taboos In The Dominican Republic

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Growing up the Dominican Republic makes one not only aware of the injustices in healthcare enterprises, but also aware of how social taboos can contribute to creating an uneducated and unhealthy society in Dominican Republic, as well as in the United States.
In the summer of 2013, right before I came to the United States, I volunteered for two months at Igualas Medicas, a hospital in the province of San Juan in the Dominican Republic. I did not know how much the poor were in need of medical care until the doctors at the clinic prepared a nonprofit “mobile dispensary”, as they called it, in which for two weeks we went to different parts of San Juan doing free check-ups, surgical procedures, analysis and handed out medicines. During this two weeks, 800 people showed up, about 200 of these got surgery, almost all of them were …show more content…

Despite all the patients and diseases that we treated on our journey, one specific patient made me understand that it was my purpose to pursue a career that aims to help and educate the unprivileged. Such patient was 13 years old at the time, she came to us with her mom, who explained that the patient has been itched in her genitals for several months. After examining her the Doctor realized that the girl had genital warts, I couldn’t believe this girl who was way younger than me had these evident warts for months and did not get any treatment or even realized. When the doctor asked her mom if her daughter’s behavior had changed recently, she replied that indeed her daughter was more shy and reserved towards her; however, she explained that she couldn’t take her to the doctor because of the lack of money and

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