Summary Of William Harvey On The Cow Heart Dissection

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What is there to do after you have finished reading William Harvey 's, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood? You begin your own dissection of the heart in order to find truth or faults in William Harvey 's investigation. I did just that. I was given two hearts to dissect; one was a moderately sized sheep heart with lungs attached, and the other was a massive cow heart. When digesting both hearts I had set different goals on what I was going to view. For instance, in the sheep heart I was primarily focused on the four openings going to and from the right and left ventricles of the heart. I also I need to keep in mind the relationship between the heart and the lungs because I could see them vividly. Meanwhile, for the cow heart I wanted to create …show more content…

Therefore, when studying the cow heart I observed whether it had all the components Harvey identifies; and it did. Although, because the cow heart did not come with the lungs attach it was a bit difficult to find these pulmonary artery and vein, but previously having found them in the sheep heart it gave me direction to where they might be. Once I located all of the valves I began to make my incision into the muscle of the …show more content…

Although, the dissection of the hearts was a great learning experience and a great argument for Harvey 's "On the Motion of the Heart and Blood" I did not find much interest in it because previously reading the Harvey made the investigation less of an investigation and more of a confirmation of Harvey 's theory of the heart. Most of my time dissecting the hearts was in order to find truth in Harvey 's words. Once I had a mental diagram of what the heart is like according to Harvey it was difficult to think otherwise while looking at a motionless heart and rebuttal Harvey 's arguments. With that said, it was interesting to see the analogous of a route with in the heart, as well as the fiber like branches he speaks of because it brings the magic of words into

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