Frog Dissection Essay

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This dissection is used to teach students about evolution as well as how each part of the body works. In this dissection, students are studying the anatomy of the frogs. The students were not given a direct protocol to follow. Students are given a video to watch and take notes, in order to develop their own protocol. Students are allowed to use and resources given to them. Some students followed this procedure: Identify the external anatomy of these frogs, then pin the frog down dorsal side up, then cut the jaw to see the internals of the frog's mouth, see how the tongues flips, identify both the maxillary teeth as well as the vomerine teeth, put probe in the esophagus, and glottis. Next, identify the tympanum. Next, identify the cloaca and the spine. Next, cut from groins up to mouth just skin. The blade has to be parallel to the skin. After that, identify muscle striations where the muscles go and where they contract. Then cut the muscles. If there is a structure …show more content…

They originally believed that it was part of the genus of Ptychadena, but with further research, the students believed it was Rana pipens. It couldn’t be Ptychadena because they are native to Africa. The students also hypothesized that these frogs were part of the genus of Lithobates. They hypothesized that it was either Lithobates catesbeianus, or Lithobates palustris, or Lithobates blairil or Lithobates forreri. The Lithobates forreri are also called the Rana forreri, either way all these frogs look the same, thus meaning that they came from the same common ancestor. Common ancestor with these frogs were the Leptodactylidae about 57.9 million years ago. This means that were originally very similar and then evolved due to some kind of factor such as environmental change or new predator introduced or predators disappearing or increase or decrease of food supply. This all affects the populations which causes evolution to

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