Summary Of Wallace Thurman's Blacker The Berry

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Tania Rodriguez Professor Edward Robinson Jr. HUM200-08 13 April 2017 Wallace Thurman's Blacker the Berry Wallace Thurman book The Blacker the Berry describes how light skin tone African Americans dislike those who are dark skin. The main character of the book Emma Lou is discriminated by most of her family and community in Bois, Idaho because she is considered “too black,” has dark skin tone; however, her uncle Joe is more accepting of her. Thurman states, “Her Uncle Joe had said that Negroes were Negroes whether they happened to be yellow, brown, or black, and a conscious effort to eliminate the darker elements would neither prove nor solve anything” (The Blacker the Berry, pp. 12-13). I believe that this quote means that the skin tone of …show more content…

The Blacker the Berry mentions a blue vein committee in Bois Idaho consisting of light skin African Americans, such as Emma Lou family, which could be the result of double consciousness; however, they are embracing the American identity while discriminating their African one. Du Bois states: It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others… One ever feels his two-ness, --an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body… this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self… In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost. (The Blacker the Berry, pp. 8-9) This quote means that African Americans have this internal conflict in which their identity is divided into two, being American and African, creating a double-conscious, yet African Americans want to be able to express both of their cultures without being judged, discriminated. One of the overall issue that Thurman describes that ties with Du Bois double consciousness is that Emma Lou wanted to be excepted despite her “blackness;” it can be applied to many African Americans in which they are trying to do everything possible to be accepted even if it meant oppressing part of their

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