Summary Of Thomas Berryman Number By James Patterson

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I thought this was a really splendid book . This story is about a boy, named Rafe Khatchadorian who just wants to have fun with his 6th grade year. He really dislikes school and devises a plan to make the school year as amusing for himself as possible. His plan he devised , with his imaginary named leo, is that he will try and make into a game by trying to break every rule in the rule book and depending on how intense/ hard the rule is to break he will get more or less points, and he has a goal of points he is trying to get by the end of the year that leo makes up. He can also get special points from stuff that happens throughout the year. This book had me hooked from the beginning, because at some points it was intense and at other points it was kind of serious, so it was a good mix not to much action and not too much sadness. I also really like the author, James Patterson. He has many other works including Wizard and Witch, Along Came a Spider, and many more. …show more content…

He also has two medal for the book “The Thomas Berryman Number” he won the Edward Award for the best first novel for an american author and he won the Edgar Award for the best first mystery of an

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