Summary Of The Plessy V. Ferguson Case

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The plessy v. ferguson cases as many might know was a case in which involved Plessy who according to the law he was black when in reality he was both. Plessy decided to seat in an all white section in a train when he was later arrested. In court although it was stated it violated the 13 and 14 amendment the judge different wise and stated his decision, separate but equal (its constitutional). Because I really didn’t agree with the decision it made it quite hard to find its premises. But according to the section from the book and from what I understood it stated that states may pass laws to allow police power, separate schools by race Is common and all laws must be reasonable. Moreover, although I disagree with it and believe the premises are weak I think it is valid because it’s from a professionals input. In other words, the premises had made sense back in the day. I think it is a sound argument because its premises seem verifiable, although the premises are much more ignorant they are supporting the conclusion. …show more content…

Board of education case was the case in which many African Americans seeked the aid of the courts in obtaining admission to all white schools in their community. Moreover, the judge decision was separate but equal (its Constitutional). They claimed it was constitutional because they believed the white schools were superiority to the African Americans and because Separation of children of color generate a mental development. Furthermore, I believe it is valid because it has reasonable reasonable premises. In other words, the premises supporting the conclusion were much more true and caring. The decision was sound because its premises are certainly verifiable, they seem

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