Summary Of The Bunker Diaries

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The Bunker Diaries is a mystery book, with a touch of suspense and terror. Kevin Brooks, the author of The Bunker Diaries, puts us through the thoughts and emotions of a sixteen-year-old boy named Linus Weems, and he tells us the sad and scary story about what Linus and all of his other bunkmates encountered while being trapped in their kidnapper's secret bunker. Linus Weems was a runaway from the wealthy home he lived at with his father. Linus was sick of his father's behavior; his father was always on drugs or he was drunk. Linus was living on the streets when he saw a supposed “blind man” struggling to put his bags in his car. He went over to help the man put his bags away. When he was helping him, the man gassed and kidnapped him. Linus,

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