Summary Of The Book 'The Outsiders'

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The Outsiders The Outsiders is a phenomenal novel by S.E Hinton. Firstly, The Outsiders is about family, friends and looking out for each other. For example, Darry is hard on Ponyboy and Soda but he only does it cause he’s looking out for them, they’re the only family he has left. Secondly The Outsiders is about heroism, Greasers are not a cold hearted gang, they care and help other people out. In one of the scenes Johnny and Ponyboy save kids from a burning church, risking there lives. Thirdly The Outsiders is about growing up and that innocents can be lost at any moment. When Ponyboy and Johnny were at the park everything was normal, until they killed bob at the fountain, then from that moment on everything changed. In conclusion, I recommend

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