Summary Of S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

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The author of the book is S.E. Hinton the tilttle is The Outsiders. Because his parents have died in a car accident, Ponyboy lives with his brothers Darry and Sodapop. ... Read an in-depth analysis of Ponyboy Curtis. Darrel Curtis - Ponyboy's oldest brother. Darrel, known as “Darry,” is a twenty-year-old greaser who is raising Ponyboy because their parents have died in a car crash. Darry is a tough guy He is muscular and that’s because he has been popular. He looks muscular because he works out. And if any of the greasers has a chance of improving his lot in life and making something of himself, it is Darry Darry is also the oldest of the gang and his the older brother of the other two. He is a 20 year old greaser and he is raising ponyboy

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