The Outsiders Reflection

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The Outsiders written by S.E. Hinton continues to be literary influence on the lives of many teens. This novel had been translated in 30 languages, and many find personal connections with either the plot of the characters themself. I personally connected with this novel in many ways. I can easily connect with Ponyboy. Both Ponyoby and I try to be our own person. We don’t like to be labeled by others. But at the same time, we both need our close friends to help us through each day. I can also connect to Darry who is a workaholic. Although he is only twenty, he works two full-time jobs and basically raises his two teen brothers. Like Darry, I need to always be doing something. My favorite quote in this book is," I'll take anyone." This is my favorite quote …show more content…

At first, Darry was hardened. He Isolated himself away from his remaining friends and family, and when he did see his family, he only yelled at Ponyboy. But by the end of the story, he accepted that Ponyboy might not be the perfect brother, but he could live with that. Darry is also a round character. I think he is round because not of his circumstances, but his outlook on life. In his life, he has very few rules. The first one is don't do anything stupid. This includes pretty much anything the rest of the Greasers do like stealing, getting drunk on a regular basses, and having long greasy hair. The second one is don't break. Darry tries his best not to crack under pressure, and not to cry. Darry only cried once in this novel, and that is when Ponyboy was at the hospital right after the church burned down. A lot of people his age have this style of thinking. Darry has a huge impact on my life. First is his determination. I always stride to be as determined as he is. Another way he affects my life is his morals. Darry wants to be the best person he can, and everyday, I try to do the same thing. So out of all of the characters I could have chosen, That is why I chose

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