Summary Of My Brother Sam Is Dead

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The past few weeks I have been reading the book called, My brother Sam is Dead. I really enjoyed reading this book and I really recommend it to those who like a good historical fiction book. This book was written by Christopher and James Lincoln Collier, and the book was taken place in 1974. Though the title may give you an idea that someone’s brother named Sam is dead, you have to keep reading to find out how they created the whole plot, and how Sam dies. The story starts off when Tim Meeker’s older brother Sam Meeker returns home from college. Sam is not on the same side as his father, Sam is a patriot while his father is a loyalist, Sam’s father does not know of this, but Sam and his father do always get into arguments which makes Tim feel …show more content…

One day Tim wakes up to his brother, Sam and his father arguing over the gun, because Sam was caught trying to steal it. Sam later does get away with the gun. Father later died because of a ship disease, on the British boat, and Sam is still in war, Mother was looking forward to Sam coming home to help out with Tim and all of the manly work around the house, but she is later disappointed because Sam said no. Tim and Mother are stuck now running the cattle and a business, by themselves. Later in the book thieves were stealing their cattle and Sam and Tim run to see what is going on, the thieves were actually to trick Sam, Sam ran to get the cattle back, but the thieves turned Sam in. Tim is later trying to free Sam, but Sam ends up being shot by his own military, though he did not do it. One location they were at sometimes was the tavern, which was where town meeting happened, it was their grocery store, restaurant and a hang out place. The Meeker’s are the owners of the tavern which was hard to take care of after Sam’s father passed. Many people’s cattle was being stolen, not just the Meeker’s, this is because there was a lack of food

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