Summary Of Jesus Falls The Third Time By Malcolm Guite

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“How can there be a God in a world full of suffering?” This question, left unanswered, is enough to turn a potential believer or one of weak faith away from Christianity. The suffering of the world cannot be denied, especially living in a time preceded by the bloodiest century in human history. Furthermore, there is no simple, neat answer to account for the presence of pain, misery, and death within the world, while also accounting for the limitless power of a God. Malcolm Guite provides a reassuring poem in response to this issue, entitled “Jesus falls the third time,” central to his collection of poetry, Sounding the Seasons, in he describes the suffering of mankind and Christ. The opening line the poem is thus, “Jesus weeps with you and with you he will stay.” The use of “you,” directly addresses the reader. The reader could be anyone who comes across the poem, and Guite cannot be sure who would and who would not read his poem, so the poem must refer to everyone, to not exclude any possible audiences. Guite is contending that Jesus weeps with everyone, that is, all of humanity. So, the question is: why is Jesus weeping? The poem goes on to describe the …show more content…

“Humans made the choice to allow suffering to enter the world.” By eating the apple, Adam made a conscious choice to go against the will of God, and it was this choice that cast mankind from the garden, and rebellious choices of the like made by his descendants that allow suffering to continue in the world. Mchanon, a Puritan minister says on the matter, “When men are regenerated, they have the capacity to choose good or evil. The will was corrupted as a result of original sin, which envelops all of humanity in a mass damnation, unless otherwise rescued by Christ.” Man’s free will, a good gift from God, has been corrupted, and without Christ, acting in perfect submission, there is no

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