Summary Of Hollywood Never Tell By Howard Zinn

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Howard Zinn “Stories Hollywood Never Tells” After reading this passage from Howard Zinn, I can agree with his beliefs to a certain extent. When he starts off saying that we shouldn’t give up but keep playing to create possibilities of changing the world, I could relate as I am a person who doesn’t like to give up on any task but to keep trying until I know I there’s nothing more I can do. Howard’s statement about this was, “I am totally confident not that the world will get better, but that we should not give up the game before all the cards have been played. The metaphor is deliberate: life is a gamble. Not to play is to foreclose any chance of winning. To play, to act, is to create at least a possibility of changing the world.” (Zinn pg. 784). Another note to add is how much I enjoy Howard saying “life is a gamble”, because it is. We all make decisions every day that determine certain outcomes that we would like to benefit from, whether good or bad. If we don’t feel beneficial from these decisions, we sure do learn from them and that puts us in a better situation than to just give up. After, Howard goes on to talk about how Hollywood doesn’t show society certain stories or perspectives on events that occurred in our U.S. history. One example of an historic …show more content…

Howard goes on to share that the story needs to be told from the standpoint of people from the war that’s not told in schoolbooks, “But to tell the story of the American Revolution, not from the standpoint of the schoolbooks, but from the standpoint of war as a complex

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