Summary Of Chapter 9 Of George Orwell's '1984'

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During the beginning of chapter 9, Winston has an encounter with a girl who has been following him throughout the first 8 chapters. She is walking towards him when she slips and falls, letting out a horrible cry as she lands on her already injured arm. The fall, however, I believe was no accident even though it caused her immense pain it seems she purposely fell so that she could discreetly give Winston a small piece of paper.

Winston later read the paper and it said “I love you”. This seemed very suspicious to me, Winston however did not seem to be suspicious at all and actively tried to meet with her in the cafeteria even though if he showed any desire towards her he would be killed or forced into a labor camp. After multiple failed attempts to speak with her, he was finally successful. When he sat she quietly gave him specific orders of a place for them to meet in the country. This is the first confirmed act of rebellion from someone other than Winston so far in the book and made me very intrigued whether or not she was leading him to his death or if she indeed did love him. …show more content…

Which until now Winston made it seem like it was virtually impossible and made me think that she may still be a spy trying to lure him into breaking the law. However this doesn't really hold up because if the party thinks someone will break the law they can kill or enslave them for thought crime. Which makes me think that she does in fact love him and over the next few chapters the love becomes mutual between Julia and

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