Summary Of Barbara Ehrenreich's Mystical Moment

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The article entitled “A rationalist's Mystical Moment” by Barbara Ehrenreich recants a “mystical” experience had by the author who is (or was) a self-described rationalist stemming from a long line of “hardcore atheists”. The author’s background is colorful as she describes herself to be an advocate for women’s rights, a political activist, a myth buster by trade and was also characterized as a “veteran muckraker” by the New Yorker regarding her zeal for digging deep into stories and exposing truth. She has also authored 21 books thus far and was at one time a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Ms. Ehenreich’s mystical moment took place when she years 17 years old, during what she describes as a “poorly planned ski trip”. However that morning in question, Barbara woke up and stepped outside into the bitter cold. Most suddenly and violently she was thrusted head first into a world engulfed in flames. She described the ordeal as a “heartbreakingly beautiful experience” and void of any of the typical religiously prophetic voices, “totemic animals”, or spirit guides. It was during this deluge of sensory over load when she suddenly came to the realization that “everything was a part of everything …show more content…

The impression we get from this article is that atheists have created a bubble of safety for their beliefs by relying on science and rationality to explain the mystical and unexplainable. However, by creating this bubble, they have in fact become very similar to those subscribed to a religious viewpoint when they try to explain the explainable. The article, an opinion piece, does accomplish this and asking atheists and believers to open their minds to a larger picture and consider that life, and our perception of reality cannot be so simply explained as we live in one accepted reality and not considering that there may be more to it than what we may take for

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