Summary Of Analyzing Erikson's Psychological Crisis Theory

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The event concurs with “The Intimacy vs. Isolation Stage” of Erik Erikson’s Psychological Crisis Theory (Table 1) “Young adults either seek companionship and love or become isolated from others, fearing rejection” (Berger, 2017). Table 1: Comparison of Freud’s Psychosexual and Erikson’s Psychological Stages (Table 2.1 Berger, 2017) For my situation, I understood my friend would get forcefully sent back home on the off chance that I speak up. Symbolizing how our companionship is weighted on my choice, influencing me to demonstrate her significance to me.(2 parts of sentence are not linked well) Furthermore, "To Commit to affiliations” and to develop the moral quality to submit to such responsibilities, despite the fact that “they call for …show more content…

Defining emotional development as “the emerging ability to form close and secure adult and peer relationships” (Darling-Churchill & Lippman, 2016). Table 2: Kohlberg’s Moral Stages (Sincero, 2012) The case links to the post conventional of the moral stages. A healthy 18-year-old young lady nurtured in a stable, supportive middle class family. Access to tutoring, health care alongside values of family and companions. Influences of the social contract are exemplified by my aversion in setting off the authorities when my companion pleaded me not to, as it would take away her achievements in this country, "schooling career would be in jeopardy". A personal choice in which I choose my values over the law. Erikson’s Psychological Crisis Theory presents a strong correlation towards the emotional domain influencing human development. To explain, like most young adults in the intimacy & isolation stage, I had developed the ability to provide “friends with the needed companionship and critical support” which altered my decision to fit another’s request (Berger, …show more content…

The domain expanded my ability to understand somebody else’s predicament and make decisions that benefits another. Erikson’s concept of Intimacy vs. Isolation describes this as “the sort of intimacy that makes possible good marriage or a genuine and enduring friendship.” (Siddiqui, 2008). The moral domain aspects of young adults (Post conventional) and personal values of right or wrong (Social contract) determined by Kohlberg (Sincero, 2012), identified my values with the conversation and what the right thing would be to do, allowing for broader areas of “development as progress” within my personality (Minnameier, 2011). Exposure to such circumstances led to emotional connections and moral dilemma within the situation, which demonstrates how they are interrelated. At age 18, I recognized that my companion held an important part in my life which associated with me seeking companionship. My companion (intimacy vs. isolation)

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