Summary Of A World Of Ideas By Willard Gaylin

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After reading the brief excerpt from Willard Gaylin’s interview with Bill Moyers on the PBS program “A World of Ideas”, I agree that a lot of people in today’s world are self-centered. Willard Gaylin stated “I think we have trained a whole generation of people to think in terms of an isolated “I”, in his interview. This means that people only are concerned about themselves and not of others in the world who need more attention. For instance, most Americans don’t think about the middle class and the struggles they go through. The middle class has trouble with feeding their family, keeping or finding a job that will support their needs, or even having somewhere to stay. The unemployment rate is majority made up of the middle class because they don’t have the knowledge or benefits that the upper class have …show more content…

There is a lot of violence going on in the world along with hatred. Some people fail to realize that everyone in the world is equal. We all should be treated the same no matter what our sex, religion, or race is. There are people who have plentiful of money but will not give back to their own community they grew up in. Most people who have made it have come from a place where they didn’t have a pot to piss in. They should know how it feels to have struggles or to be poor. People like this should be happy and anxious to give back because they know how it felt to have little food to eat and not enough clothes to last throughout the week. We should be ready to open our mouth and express our feelings and thoughts to the world, not just through social media but actually going out and starting organizations to focus on a problem that we face as people in the world. There are a lot of homeless people in the world with no food, shelter, or clothes. People around the world should be willing to help out their community, just like Winthrop University does for the Rock Hill Community with Pack the

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