Summary Of A 12 Year Old Boy By Thomas Muller

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Citizens pushed to the side, through streams of proud troops. Women draped in long dresses with the sun bearing down on them, smiling in aspiration of these ‘heroes’ marching through Germany. Impeccable attired men, looking witty and smart, marched with these troops. Frocking little boys and girls on their way home from school. All accompanied by the Nazi band who were playing music. A rich and visual symphony defined the streets of berlin, Germany, 1933. Juxtaposed to his familiar surroundings, a lone 12-year-old boy a sauntered in congruously through the jostling crowds. A 12-year-old boy who was more interested in football, card games and family time, not ‘nationalism’ nor ‘the father land’. Far different to the boys attitude around him, He wore a simple brand of clothes, again different to the Schwartz sticker on many boys around him. Tomas Muller’s strong features; mirrored by seventy million who were part of this pulsating nation. He did not grow up here, but having listened with great fascination to a plethora of myths and stories about Germany from a young age, you would think he would be more excited. He wasn’t. Around him was German propaganda of bringing back to the fatherland. …show more content…

As a pole, he as always grateful for the friends at home, even though he knew at a heart, he was a German. He wasn’t comfortable here- something was missing- the bond his polish mates shared. He assumed himself in the paradox on why he was

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