Four Styles Of Adult Attachment Essay

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You may not think how you attached as a child, can affect you later in life. These attachment can play a big part in how you attach to other adults. There are three major styles of adult attachment theory secure, anxious, and avoidant.
Secure people in adult attachment feel low in anxiety and avoidance, but feel high in intimacy. So they feel less worried about being rejected and very comfortable while being intimate. In the article Four styles of adult attachment the people said “It is easy for me to get close to others, and I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me.” These partners feel like they have low conflicts and are very open and relaxed which helps with sexual experiences. They are very good at balancing each one's needs when needed.(Olson, pg 266) Avoidant in adult attachment people have a increased in avoidance and a decrease in anxiety. Theses people tend to be uncomfortable with closeness and cherishes independence, not worrying about partner’s availability. In the article Four styles of adult attachment the person said “I am uncomfortable being close to others. I find it difficult to trust and depend on others and prefer that others do not depend on me. It is very important that I feel independent and self-sufficient. My …show more content…

These adults thrive closeness and intimacy, they tend to be very insecure about the relationship. In the article Four styles of adult attachment theses people say “I want to be extremely emotionally close (merge) with others, but others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn’t love or value me and will abandon me. My inordinate need for closeness scares people away.” These attachment adults are likely to have more struggles with sexual relationships, having the needy trait to fill a void.(Olson, pg

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