Summarise The Roles And Responsibilities Of School Governors

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Within the school organisation there are people who have various roles and responsibilities within the school which help towards running the school efficiently and therefore benefiting everyone connected to the school and its facilities.
Above the head teacher are the school governors whose main responsibility is for the general conduct of the school whilst also promoting a high standard of educational achievement in the school. It is the schools accountable body and as such it sets out the aims of the school, agrees the school's improvement strategy and manages the financial and staffing levels at the school. The governors also appoint the headteacher and monitors their performance as a headteacher The governors also respond to Ofsted's reports and will hold the headteacher responsible for the school's overall performance. It is also their responsibility to ensure that parents are informed and advised correctly of matters concerning them.
The senior management team is made up of the headteacher and deputy head. The headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school which would involve implementing the governing body's strategic plan, and formulating objectives and targets which the governors would consider implementing. The headteacher is also responsible for the welfare of all pupils and teachers/staff in the school. …show more content…

The Senco would also liaise with fellow teachers and advise teachers of issues regarding children with special needs to ensure their needs are met. The Senco is also responsible for overseeing the school's SEN (special needs and disability) policy as well as managing learning support assistants within the school and also liaising with with external agencies such as support and educational psychology services, health and social services as well as voluntary

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