Sulfur Lab

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The objective of this lab was to identify physical properties as well as chemical and physical changes. This was done by first observing and recording the physical properties of seven different materials. The materials were: Sulfur (S), Iron fillings (Fe), Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), Sucrose (C12H22011), Sand (SiO2), Magnesium (Mg), and Sodium chloride (NaCl). Those seven materials were then placed in a 24 well plate in small quantity’s and the physical properties were recorded. Sulfur was founded to be a powder with a yellow color and insoluble in water. Iron fillings were black, attracted to a magnet and insoluble. Sodium bicarbonate was found as a crystal solid with a white color and was insoluble. Sucrose was a crystal solid with a while …show more content…

Magnesium was a solid with a shinny black color and was insoluble. Sodium chloride was a solid crystal with a white color and was soluble.Then each substance was tested using a magnet. After the magnet test, each substances solubility was tested by using 3ML of water. Next Iron fillings (Fe) were combined with Sulfur (S) and tested using a magnet. The Iron fillings where attracted to the magnet and took some of the sulfur with it. A five centimeter strip of Magnesium (Mg) was placed in a fire and burned with the ashes being collected and placed in a test tube. When burned the Magnesium burned with white light and became brittle white ash. Another 1 centimeter strip of Magnesium (Mg) was then placed in a test tube along with 11 drops of 3M Hydrochloric acid. The Magnesium smoked up and the temperature increased. The ashes from the already burned strip were also combined with 11 drops of 6M Hydrochloric acid. The ashes slightly warmed but no other reaction took place. Next a pea sized around of Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was placed in a test tube along with five drops of 6M Hydrochloric acid. The Sodium bicarbonate bubbled and temperature loss …show more content…

The all however related to the chemical and physical propitious of different substances. Many different materials and types of equipment were used in this experiment. Knowledge of what chemical and physical properties were used to answer the many questions A physical property is a property that does not change the chemical nature of that substance. Examples of physical properties are color, smell, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, infra-red spectrum, attraction (paramagnetic) or repulsion (diamagnetic) to magnets, opacity, viscosity and density A chemical property is a property is a that does change the chemical nature of that substance. Some examples are heat of combustion, reactivity with water, PH, and electromotive force. The purpose of this experiment was to find the physical and chemical properties of many different substances. The physical and chemical properties of: Sulfur (S), Iron fillings (Fe), Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), Sucrose (C12H22O11), Sand (SiO2), Magnesium (Mg) and Sodium chloride (NaCl) were all recored. While observations where made about: Iron fillings mixed with Sulfur with and without a magnet, Magnesium both burnt and unburnt, Magnesium (ash and unburnt) mixed with Hydrochloric acid, Sodium bicarbonate with Hydrochloric acid, burned Sucrose and its solubility, Sodium chloride mixed with sand and

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