Persuasive Essay On Suicide

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"How could they commit suicide?" " What made them commit suicide? ' are the two most popular questions people ask after hearing someone committed suicide. No one will ever know the real answer to those questions, but could it of been prevented? In the book Suicide Prevention, Healy stated that "each year around one million people commit suicide worldwide."(1) These acts of suicide effect many people. No one should ever feel the need to commit such an act, but they do. We as a nation should feel guilty for that because we can prevent this and lower these numbers. A person that is contemplating suicide will always give a sign before doing so. There are many ways to prevent suicide which include: speaking up, listening, paying attention to …show more content…

People need to listen to understand; not listen to judge. At 9:01 Briggs speaks of a man that was about to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge ,but after an hour and a half of the guy talking to Briggs about his depression and hopelessness he decided to come back over the rail. Briggs asked the guy why he did not jump and he said, "You listened. You let me speak, and you just listened." Briggs says that one to two percent of people that have jumped and lived all say that when they jumped they regretted it and did not want to die. "According to the long research conducted by the QPR Institute in Spokane, Washington, suicide is the most preventable death because most victims really do not want to die; they just want the pain to go away." (87) You never know what someone else is going through. There is hope for those who are in the darkness, suicide is preventable. We as a nation need to learn when to speak and when to listen. Do not just listen with your ears, but also your heart. Understand these people and how they are feeling. Do not try to give an answer or tell them what to do to fix problems, just comfort them and be their shoulder to lean on. If suicide is a thought there is a hotline called "National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that is available 24/7 just Call 1-800-273-8255".(131) "I want to die", "I hate my life", "I am going to kill myself", "go jump off a bridge", …show more content…

"Suicide is most common in the months of March, April, and May than any other months out of the year", which means we need to be on the lookout and be more aware especially in these three months.(Snelgrove) If you get that gut feeling something is not right, normally it is not right. We as a nation under God, need to love more and stop making it so hard for everyone to feel excepted. Think about if it was your loved one about to commit suicide, what would you say or

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