Sugar Effects On The Body

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Sugar can have a negative impact on the body, and most people are not aware that fructose and corn syrup are in many of the foods they eat every day. Each year, Americans consume approximately 130 pounds of sugar. It shouldn't be a surprise that that amount of sugar is practically attacking your body.

1. Liver Problems
Added sugars are hard for your body to process, and they leave the liver unable to store fat efficiently. This leaves fatty tissue surrounding the liver. Bits of fat around the liver can lead to liver disease, which is a recent problem that was rarely associated with people who didn't drink excessively.

2. Diabetes and Sugar
Studies have shown that foods high in sugar have an instant impact on the body's blood sugar. The problem with sugars is that they can cause …show more content…

You might be surprised to learn that there is sugar in much of your food. Cereal, wheat bread, pizza and cornbread all have sugar as well as carbs, which the body processes into sugar.

Detox the Sugar
A sugar binge detox is one of the best ways to get yourself out of the cycle of consuming sugar and craving more. While sugar will give you an instant high, it soon leads to a crash. This is why most people need a nap in the middle of the afternoon. They've been consuming sugars all morning. To detox from the sugar, it's important to resist the siren song of snacks for a few days.

When detoxing from sugar, you'll instantly feel more energized, but you can also feel deprived. For a few days, you'll crave sugar and snack foods. If you can resist the urge, you'll soon have less cravings. Drink plenty of water and avoid salt, which can cause a craving for sugar too. Stick to protein during your detox phase.

Sugar can have a seriously detrimental impact on the body from fatty liver disease to heart attacks. Removing processed foods and snacks from your diet will ultimately help you live a longer and healthier

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