Sugar Addiction Research Paper

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According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, addiction is defined as the “compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.” Sugar addiction is an epidemic in the United States. The problem begins with the fact that sugar is found in many processed foods. Sugar can be extremely harmful for the body. Sugar is an addictive substance that provides negative consequences to those who excessively consume it. Sugar hasn’t always been an addictive substance. For instance, in a video interview on Youtube, which was uploaded by the company, Mercola, Joseph Mercola is interviewing Doctor Robert Lustig, a Professor of Pediatrics. Lustig explains how sugar was first …show more content…

The suggested amount of sugar a person should consume daily is 25 grams, while the average American consumes around 80 grams of sugar. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to the fatal situation of addiction. For instance, in the article I Was So Addicted to Sugar, Dietitian Cassie Bjork explains how she was addicted to the sweet substance. Bjork describes, “Sugar owned me. It had a stronghold over my life. I couldn’t go a day without thinking about it. Sometimes, I couldn’t go a minute” (Bjork 1). In her statement Dietitian Bjork indicates how her life was impacted by her addiction; she couldn’t go very long without thinking about sugar. Similarly, 30-year-old Marie Dozier shares her experiences with sugar addiction in the article, Marie Dozier Conquered A Sugar Addiction And Lost 143 Pounds. Dozier states, “What started as a problem with overindulgence and lack of moderation became a full-fledged addiction. For about two years, I suffered my emotions down by filling myself with food: cheap, easily accessible, nutrient-deficient junk food. I ate from fast-food restaurants daily and made frequent trips to grocery stores for chips, candy, and cakes.” Later on in the article Dozier explains how she finally “snapped” and made the decision to change her lifestyle. Dozier mentions how she experienced withdrawal symptoms including cravings and feelings of detox for many months (Klein 1-2). Dozier’s withdrawal symptoms indicated that she had a true sugar addiction. While some people believe that sugar addiction is an overstatement, there are studies that provide evidence of the

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