Suburgatory Stereotypes

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Suburgatory is a sitcom that aired on the ABC network between 2011 and 2014. It captures life of father and daughter moving into suburban New York. The father George moves his daughter Tessa out of New York to a small town called “Chatwin”, in order for Tessa to stay out of trouble and to have a normal and safe life. Suburgatory represents many stereotypes such ans gender, race, class stereotypes. The writing of the show tries to be funny and witty however, sometimes it come across offensive to real suburban population – where reviewers and bloggers argue that the suburban life is quite ordinary. From the beginning of the series you can see over-representation of a suburban neighbourhood/life. This particular set of the town “Chatswin” …show more content…

However these rich suburban people do not understand the need for food some people might have since no one really eats in Chatswin. Instead they start a charity for people with frizzy hair and bad skin as to them it seem the worst thing that can happen to someone. This makes the upper-class seem very shallow and unaware of real problems in the world. There are also gender stereotypes represented in this show. The main characters George and Tessa, coming from the city, are addressed as “normal” compare to the suburban people referred to as “Barbie and Ken” type of people. The first day of school Tessa is called a lesbian by Dalia, because she was wearing jeans and leather boots. This style is very different from the rest of the girls living in the town. Tessa is an outspoken redhead. Although she is pretty she does not look or behave like the other girls, therefore she is treated as outcast. When Dallas meets Tessa she takes her shopping and tries to put her in all pink and very short clothes Tessa’s style seems odd to suburban people, as she could never fit in without turning into a Barbie like girl herself. Tessa views Chatswin as “hell” - “Suburgatory” - the combination of suburbs ans purgatory and compares it to serving the sentence where she found herself in the town full of

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