Substance Abuse Within the Nursing Profession

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As Heise states, substance abuse among nurses a growing problem that is often overlooked by society. Addiction has been a problem in the nursing profession for over one hundred years (as cited in Monroe & Kenaga, 2010). According to the American nurses association, it is speculated that 6%-8% of nurses have a drug or alcohol related problem (as cited in Trinkoff & Storr, 1998). Substance abuse not only affects the individual abuser, but also can negatively impact those around them, most significantly their patients. Chemical dependence if often viewed as a lack of will power, but through education and research, this issue should be looked at as an actual disease. The education of nursing students is the first step in helping those with a dependence problem get the treatment they need to help solve this prevalent issue. Different specialties with the nursing profession are more likely than others to have higher substance abuse rates, due to work setting and availability of controlled substances (Trinkoff & Storr, 1998). There are many risk factors that lead to substance abuse problems, such as behavioral characteristics and psychological factors (Griffith, 1999).

The American Psychological Association definition of addiction is defined as “a state of severe psychological and behavioral dependence on drugs or alcohol characterized by compulsive use, a preoccupation with securing its supply and a tendency for relapse after discontinuation of the substance (as cited in Griffith, 1999). As the definition explains, addiction is strongly related to both behavioral and psychological factors, which can be developed at a young age. Psychological risk factors include “chaotic families and lifestyles, childhood victimization, and low sel...

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Monroe, T. (2009). Addressing substance abuse among nursing students: Development of a prototype alternative-to-dismissal policy . Journal of Nursing Education , 48(5), 272-278.

Talbert, J. J. (2009). Substance abuse among nurses. Professional Issues, 13(1), 17-19. doi: 10.1188/09.CJON.17-19

Trinkoff, A., & Storr, C. (1998). Substance use among nurses: Differences between specialists. American Journal of Public Health , 88(4), 581-585.

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