Student Council Research Paper

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“And the winner is…” not me. Student council elections were coming up, and everyone was encouraging me to run. All of my friends were running, and “the only way” senior year would be fun is if I was a part of student council. I jumped on the opportunity to run for vice president when the sign-up sheets came out. I came up with clever slogans such as “vote fLEXi to build a stronger student body,” and I plastered them along the school walls to make my peers laugh. Now I sit in first hour with fingers crossed as I wait to hear the announcement: “And the winner is…” not me. My heart drops, and I feel my cheeks get hot as my classmates look over to me. I somehow manage to hold it together until I make it to my car after school where I break down. I feel bitter and angry toward my opponent for beating me and at my friends for encouraging me to run. I refuse to be involved in my school’s leadership next year. …show more content…

Um. Is this a joke? She wants me, a girl that couldn’t win a student council VICE presidency election, to go against four other girls for the class PRESIDENT role? At this point I am faced with two options: I could succumb to my negative thoughts by allowing my failure to bring me down, or I could use my failure to motivate me. With a sudden burst of adrenaline, I fill out the sign-up sheet to run for class president and turn it in. There’s no going back now, and this time, I spend hours campaigning, coming up with countless slogans, and staying after school to encourage others to vote for

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