Structure Of Mind In Lord Of The Flies

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Sigmund Freud was a brilliant Physiologist who theorized that the human personality has three parts, Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. Sigmund defined these traits as Id-Do what you please when you please,("Structure of Mind: Freud's Id, Ego, & Superego") Ego-Realizing you can’t always get what you want ("Structure of Mind: Freud's Id, Ego, & Superego") and finally SuperEgo- The needs of others over your own ("Structure of Mind: Freud's Id, Ego, & Superego").All of these traits are perfectly demonstrated in the book Lord Of The Flies, by William Golding; where these british schoolboys are stranded on an island with no adults and no sign of rescue. Ralph, Piggy, and Jack are the 3 main characters in which these traits are represented, Jack is Id, Ralph is Ego, and Piggy is SuperEgo.
Jack-Id …show more content…

Throughout Lord Of The Flies Jack is a constant being of Id, he always wants to hunt rather than keep a fire going to get rescued (golding). In chapter 1, Jack and Ralph argue over who should be chief and Jack loses so he gets upset and creates his hunters because he wants to be in control of something, and wants to do what he wants when he wants to (Golding). In the later end of the book, Jack creates his own tribe, because he’d rather hunt and kill than listen to Ralph. Jack also picks on Piggy because Piggy is weaker than Jack but Piggy speaks reason and logic to help the group stay together and alive

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