Structural Functionalist Perspective Essay

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Almost 100 years ago, Chicago saw its population double in a short span of time - the majority of the newcomers being foreign-born. There were also many Americans that were migrating into the city at this time. With large amounts of foreigners bringing with them their own set of beliefs and norms, ideological clashes and a lack of conformity was inevitable. Merton’s Modes of Adaptation comes into play here with foreigners coming to a new land and having to re-adapt. This can lead to increased rates of ritualism, retreatism, rebellion and innovation and this means an increase in crime rates.
Many immigrating to Chicago came with next to nothing and lived in substandard conditions . If they found work, the conditions were abhorrent and pay …show more content…

With the influence of the gangs in the politics of the era, the social machine itself held corruption. The ones that were supposed to represent the people instead had a “loss of standards.” Hairlines cracks in the American machine, maybe, but cracks nonetheless. Their appearance signifies the breakdown of social order in the social institution itself. When the ones wielding power and influence exercise it in self-seeking, and not altruism, you will see such an attitude trickle down to the masses. And white-collar crime tends to have further-reaching consequences for the system as a whole than in-fighting between …show more content…

In some cases, the goal is merely pleasure, and here we find hedonism in vice crimes and sadistically motivated violent crimes. The circumstances in which a criminal act is acted upon depends upon the individual’s assessment of what they stand to gain and what possible things they stand to lose if caught. Crimes of passion and professionals notwithstanding. If they do not fear swift punishment or are not deterred by the punishment inflicted, lack internal controls and hold a dysfunctional worldview the likelihood of a crime being committed skyrockets. The conditions do not all have to be present together as one by itself can be

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