Stressuality, And Personality

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Each and every person is unique. “An individual’s identity is who or what a person is; the name or essential character that identifies somebody.” Examples would include beliefs, ethnicity, values, choices, habits, interests, and finally, sexuality (Napolitano, 2010, p. 104). “Identity is a term used throughout to describe individuals as a discrete, separate entity and is how a person is defined.” It could also include their name, gender and race. On the other hand, personality would be qualities and traits of a person’s character. Their personality could be defined from their behaviour, emotion and thought, such as their humour, attractiveness or their intelligence. Personality is the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioural …show more content…

Pressure turns into stress when individuals feel they are unable to cope with the situation. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be a positive challenge to someone else. Many of life’s demands can cause stress such as work, relationships and financial issues. When individuals feel stressed, it can obstruct them from dealing with demands, or can affect everything an individual does (Choices, 2016d). Stress can have a big impact both emotionally and physically. There are two ways people can portray signs of stress, psychological and physiological. Stress can affect how individuals feel, think, behave and how the body works. Psychological signs of stress can include: irritation, frustration, confusion, forgetfulness, anxiety, bad habits, headaches, behavioural signs of stress which can include avoiding others or decreased contact with family or friends and depression. Physiological signs of stress can include: heart palpitations, inflammation, insomnia physical tension, headaches and digestive problems. These stress hormones are released to enable an individual to deal with pressure or threat of "fight or flight" response. The theorist Walter Cannon 1920 developed the fight or flight response also known as ‘acute stress response.’ Stress is a biological and psychological response experienced when faced with a threat that people do not have the resources to deal with. The flight or flight response is a surge of hormone; adrenaline which is produced by glands located in the kidneys, which are released into the bloodstream. It is the response of the sympathetic nervous system to a stressful event and therefore, preparing the body to fight or flee. This can include an increased metabolism and heart rate, increase blood flow to the brain and muscles, erect hairs, raised sugar levels,

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