Stress In College Students In The 21st Century

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College students in the 21st century face a wide range of challenges. Students that are fresh out of high school find themselves away from home, often for the first time, and need to adjust to their new situation. Adults returning to college struggle to find time to study while also fulfilling work and family obligations. College students are increasingly relying on technology, and the costs of attending college have been skyrocketing. Every student’s personal situation is different, but most college students have been feeling the effects of stress. Stress is the body’s response to external pressures (Nordqvist, 2015). Stress can be good and bad. An example of good stress that college students have would be feeling pressured to study for an …show more content…

There is also a large number of working adults that are going back to school. Adults that are returning to school often feel that they no longer possess the study skills required for college (Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, 2015). Adults may also have concerns about fitting in with a college atmosphere. After all, if the adult is going back to a brick-and-mortar school, they will be older than most of the other college students on campus. Adults may also already have careers, families, and other obligations. This can cause adults to feel stressed out when trying to balance work, family, and school in their …show more content…

Prolonged exposure to high stress levels can have several physical effects on the body, including back pain, chest pain, upset stomach, trouble sleeping, muscle cramps, loss of libido, and heart disease, just to name a few (Nordqvist, 2015). It can also have several mental and behavioral effects on a person as well, including anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, fatigue, substance abuse, and relationship problems (Nordqvist, 2015). Because of the negative effects of stress, it is very important for college students to understand how to control their stress. Effective stress control methods include exercising, having a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, taking time to relax, and talking with friends and family (Nordqvist, 2015). If nothing helps to alleviate stress and it is beginning to affect how an individual functions, it is recommended that this person seeks professional help before the situation becomes

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