Stress Essay

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Stress Stress is all around us. Whether it’s from the daily hustle bustle or something catastrophic happening, we all have had stress in our lives in some way, shape, or form. The definition of stress is “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” This can happen just at work or from something bigger happening such as a death in the family or being diagnosed with a disease. We all handle stress differently though. Some people may be able to not let things bother them while others feel like their world is crashing down around them when the littlest thing happens. Stress also plays a huge role in one’s overall health and physiological state. Stress can make someone physical ill or at least feel ill. It can cause headaches, aches and pains, sleeping problems, problem thinking straight or logically, and many more things. Stress on a person can also make them do things they would never do such as commit suicide to end the pain brought on by the stress. The term “Don’t sweat the small stuff” is very true. When a person worries about every single thing they create unneeded stress upon themselves. Then when something bigger happens they feel they can’t take any more stress and just want it to end. There is help for when this happens. It’s not a very uncommon thing to be overwhelmed with stress. There are people and places that can help. One’s way to deal with stress starts from very early on in life. Even as a child we handle stress differently. One may be raised to ignore the small stresses in life and learn and grow from them rather than let them control our lives. We can control what we let stress us out and we can a... ... middle of paper ... ...hough manage how we react to stress and what stress we allow in our lives. There is stress that happens that you cannot control such as stress brought on by a death in the family or maybe being laid off from a job. At the moment when something happens many people don’t think before they react. Hence why they may lash out or become violent. I have learned over time and after watching people that it’s a behavior that can be learned. How a family member reacts to stress may be the same way you react since you grew up around it. Once a person has a set way of reacting when something stresses them out it can be hard to break or change. Learning ways to prevent stress or deal with it can really change your life. You can worry less and enjoy happier times once you know how to better cope with the stresses in your life. Just remember your never alone and help is out there.

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