Strengths Of Strengths And Weaknesses

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I am good in biology and I like this subject a most. My interest is basically to learn more about the human veins and muscles. I am good in learning and remembering stuff. I got good scores in my biology classes and this made me think about a medical career. Biology is mainly a field that is related to a medical line. My strengths are hard work and complete dedication towards my work. I always do my work on time and this makes me punctuate. In the medical field all doctors need to come on time to perform various activities such as giving medicines or to perform surgeries. I believe in myself. No matter what happens because only practice makes a man perfect. I never give up from my work until I succeed. I will try until I succeed …show more content…

In history of medical line there is lot of different research done by scientists in order to create vaccinations for different disease. “Frederick Banting and his colleagues found a insulin to prevent diabetes. The work that lead him to find such a good solution for diabetes problem is that he had good scientific background information and good common sense. He worked in three major areas that includes what are the causes of diabetes, studying the Type 1 and type 2 diabetes at molecular level and he worked on diabetes problem with in different ethnic groups.” ( Barnett, p.1) Innovation always requires a lot of skill, hard work, and dedication. Just like Banting used his skills in biology to discover a cure of diabetes. “ Edward Jenner was a person who noticed in 1798 that milkmaids who are exposed to cowpox never get a smallpox. Alexander Fleming in 1928 found that his bacterial cultures that are mixed with a fungus helps in killing of bacteria. He was a doctor at that time.” ( Barnett, p.2) By doing these type of experiments they found different medicines that are still used today. Due to these different discoveries our medical field has expanded and …show more content…

“Persons needs to complete bachelor degree and all the course works including in biology and chemistry. For the first two years the person needs to complete the courses that are related to an anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, psychology and the laws governing medicines. Student also needs learn how to check the patients, learn about the practical skills and how to treat a patient 's illness.”( U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics,p.4) “There wages are very high as compared to the other occupations. Annual salary for a surgeon doing general surgery earns $367,885. Primary care physicians who are practicing earns a median of annual compensation for $220,942 and other physicians who are practicing as a specialists of medical receives an annual money of $396,233. Other doctors such as psychiatry earns $220,252. There are different salaries for different type of doctors.” ( U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,

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