Strength-Based Practice

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Every community has its own natural strengths and resources, which are sometimes referred to as indigenous resources. The principle of strength based practice in micro social work is to focusing on the person’s individual social, mental, and physical strengths instead of deficits. Strength based practice is ideologically different from problem centering in on the community’s weak points, failings and issues. In macro social work, it is focusing on resources within the community, their own social capital, and including the consumer as an active participant in the change process. By addressing the specific needs and enhancement of the community, members of the community discover qualities that they already have, and can tap into those resources. On the macro level, community-based practice “provides us with a network of care, support, memberships, and celebration,” (Long, Tice, and Morrison, pg. 39). The principle of empowerment can be directed to individual communities in such a way that, “those receiving help have the opportunity to experience the personal power that leads to change,” (Long, Tice, and Morrison, pg. 37). Delgago suggests creating community murals, …show more content…

Instructions: Responses should range between 200-300 words In a strength based approach, the social worker view themselves as a team member, not an expert. In a problem centered approach, the social worker is viewed as the fixer of the issue and is needed to fix the problem. Additionally, the word client in this model is replaced with consumer because consumers are acknowledged with possessing certain knowledge and power. This distinction “embraces the spirit of empowerment and a commitment to finding and supporting ways to advance the status of people being served,” (Long, Tice, and Morrison, pg.

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