Streetcar Named Desire Blanche Betrayal Quotes

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Another emotional factor that Blanche was a victim of was the betrayal. Blanche fell in love with Mitch and wanted to marry him, however Mitch betrayed Blanche by rejecting her “You’re not clean enough to bring in the house with my mother” (Williams 121). Blanche was a victim of betrayal as she was hurt by Mitch’s words and actions. It is clear that Blanche was hurt from her reaction to Mitch’s words, “Get out of here quick before I start screaming fire” (Williams 121). Blanche was also hurt as Mitch asked for sex after he rejected her, this to Blanche came across as selfish and harsh and victimized Blanche even further as it left her feeling more betrayed. From this, it is obvious that the emotional feeling of betrayal leads to the victimization

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