Street Food Essay

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Street foods are common and vital features of urban centres in several developing countries. Street foods are outlined as ready-to-eat foods and beverages ready and/or sold by vendors and hawkers particularly within the street and different similar places. These foods are convenient for busy urban dwellers and constitute a ready supply of comparatively low-cost and nutritive food. Food is one of the 3 necessities for maintenance of life.

With huge changes in the social and cultural surroundings, increase within the buying power and long hours spent far from home create eating out a necessary part of people's lifestyle. Street foods have several benefits that is supply good quantity of energy at low price, are tasty, and simply …show more content…

It contains of three completely different articles, i) gol gappa /patasha /puri/papri ii) filling/masala iii) spicy water. The gol gappa could be a deep-fried product made up of semolina or refined wheat flour. The filling or masala consists of boiled and mashed potatoes with spices. The spicy water is the water to which spices like salt, pepper, mango powder, jaljeera etc are mixed. Potato filling is added in each gol gappa once making a hole in it and then spicy water is filled in this gol gappa with potato filling and served. Abstract

Street foods are sold primarily on the streets in jam-pawncked public places. the road food vendors typically stand in cluster at unhygienic place and jam-pawncked areas where facilities of water and waste disposal don't seem to be correct. Among numerous street foods sold in Mumbai city, Gol gappa are very usually sold most. Gol gappa may be an ancient chat product and is most well-liked wide. It includes of three completely different articles, i) gol gappa /puri ii) filling/masala iii)spicy water. Broad objective of the study is to look at the functioning of Panipuri business and level of success in Borivali due to hygiene factor

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